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A little history

​Founder Ronda Mills has been producing fine art festivals for West Coast Artists, for over 40 years throughout the Western United States and now she is bringing that same passion and commitment to Arkansas. These high-quality fine art festivals bring together accomplished, juried artists to present their original artwork to the art-buying community. 

What type of artwork?

All mediums of fine and fine craft are acceptable for the events. The artwork presented must be created by the artist presenting the artwork. Examples of acceptable artwork include ceramics, clay, digital, fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, mixed media, paintings, photography, pottery, and sculpture.

How to apply

Artists interested in participating can apply to the event by either filling out the application on our website and mailing or emailing it back to us with images of your artwork and an image of your display or you can visit Zapplication and apply through

Participation Requirements

Artists are required to display their artwork in a professional manner. Booths must meet the criteria set up by event staff. Canopies must be white, tables must be covered to the ground, no "sale" or "discount" signs, and no storage outside of your booth. Canopies must be anchored securely in the case of wind. Artists are responsible for the liability of their own display.

Do you just want to come and experience the artwork?

Our events are free, cultural community events. The artists are always on hand to visit with and discuss their artwork. All artwork is available for purchase.

The hours of the events are from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm.

Call 479-215-7978 


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